Wednesday, September 11, 2024

About Us

The Louisiana First Responder Christian Association is a program designed for public safety officials who are our first line of defense in protecting our communities and nation.

This program is designed to honor the individuals who lead these services.

The program consists of an independent group of leaders who select, annually, outstanding individuals in their field of endeavors.


The mission of this program is sponsored by the Louisiana First Responders Christian Association:

  • To support the leaders of first responders in this state.
  • Honor individuals in the different departments who have shown outstanding leadership and skills in their community.

This program, annually, will accept applications of individuals recommending a first responder that is a leader in their community or state to be nominated for this achievement award along with a grant, in his or her name, to a youth in the state between the ages of 10 and 18 years of age.

The awards and grants will be awarded, upon completion of the Board of Director’s honoree selection, to applicants that are submitted by the deadline for that year.

The Board of Directors meet quarterly in different parts of the state for administration of the program, for selection of honorees, and for scheduling presentation of awards and grants.